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Meet the Team

Ellie Reid, Dental Assistant

Ellie Reid, Dental AssistantEllie was inspired to become a dental assistant as her mum is currently training to be a nurse. Listening to her mother’s work experience made Ellie interested in pursuing a career in the healthcare field.

Possessing a Certificate II in Tourism and a Certificate II in Business, Ellie finds that the most fulfilling aspect of her profession is that it’s enjoyable and interesting. She likes to meet so many people at work. “Everyone is different, and that makes the workplace more fun!”

Her outside-the-office interests include shopping and camping. She also loves photography and enjoys taking clinical photos for Dr Ishita.

Reanna Dannaoui, Dental Assistant

Reanna D.Reanna is fascinated by how teeth work. She enjoys educating patients about the importance of oral hygiene. Reanna holds a Diploma in Travel and Tourism and Event Management and is currently studying for a Certificate III in Dental Assisting. She foresees having a long-term career in the dental field.

“Every day you meet new people, and there is always something to help with, something to do. That keeps things exciting.”

When she’s not working, Reanna likes to spend time with her family and close friends. She enjoys shopping, going to the beach or any parks and lookouts. Reanna also loves a lazy day relaxing.

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Praxis Dental | 07 5500 0811